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HIC Power Pack

  • HIC Power Pack


단전지 21700 2.png


- The battery package consists of a system in which cells, controllers and packages are integrated. Because these cells are supplied in the form of parts, battery package technology uses BMSs and batteries that control battery cells
Cell expansion technology by HIC-21700 CELL is divided into protective package technology


- It can be charged and discharged semi-permanently and operates smoothly even in very low temperature environments, and above all, it is made of carbon and is an eco-friendly material that does not produce toxic substances.
In addition, it shows low internal resistance and exhibits its own protection function due to overvoltage application, so it can overcome fire and explosion in the early stages


- A high-power, long-life electrical energy storage device that stores energy by adsorption and desorption of reversible charges caused by electrostatic attraction in an electrical double layer near the electrode/electrolyte interface,
Long life, eco-friendly characteristics predict application market expansion to next-generation energy storage devices


- Hybrid ion capacitors with high voltage characteristics can be used as single cells due to their pricey Merit, so they are about 20% cheaper than super capacitors, and due to the expansion of process lines
It is expected to be on par with the lithium-ion battery market because mass production has become possible


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